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Open access
We work with Openjournals to publish open access and to facilitate our editorial process. Openjournals provides a professional open-access publishing platform for scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
Culture Caleidoscoop believes in making research, knowledge, and ideas freely available to all. Culture Caleidoscoop is a diamond open-access journal; it does not charge contributors (there are no Author Processing Costs) and there is no cost to users. Users are allowed to view, download, print, or distribute the full texts of the contributions. All contributions are published under a CC BY licence as standard. (We are happy to consider CC BY-ND or CC BY-NC licences for specific contributions if there is legitimate reason for this.)
Peer reviewed
We believe peer review is an important process to support contributors and the editorial team to produce high-quality, relevant, and valuable discussion in the sector. We are committed to a supportive, productive peer-review process. There is also the opportunity for community-building through our peer-review process.
Please read more about our peer review process here.
As well as being published on Openjournals, contributions will also be available to view on our website. We aim to spark conversation and facilitate discussion in response to contributions and the issue themes.
Ethical and transparent
We do our utmost to ensure we are publishing in an ethical and transparent way. We also do our utmost to ensure that contributions to our publication follow ethical research practices. We take advice from the Committee on Publication Ethics regarding issues such as plagiarism, manipulation, ethical oversight, and research misconduct.
Culture Caleidoscoop requires that all those listed as authors/creators made a substantial contribution to the piece of work and that no one who made a substantial contribution is omitted as author/creator. Please carefully consider the ethics of submissions coming out of collaborative work with communities. Submissions should be agreed upon and approved before submission, during revisions, and at the stage of final publication by all authors/creators. All listed authors/contributors take responsibility and are accountable for the contents of the piece of work.
Please get in touch if you have concerns about any of the publications or the practices of Culture Caleidoscoop.